Monday 15 April 2013

I did it! I actually became a (raw vegan fed, barefoot running, alternative) TRIATHLETE!

And more to the point I LOVED it!!

From the prep and the atmosphere to the swim, the cycle in lashing rain and the strongest winds I've been out on my bike in (they nearly stopped me at one point) to a great fun and fastest I've done a 5k run in, I loved it all.  Apart perhaps of having to drag back on wet through clothes (tri suit from swim and leggings/cycling shorts from the aforementioned lashing rain) after an essential behind a tree stop but these things happen. The alternatives - keep going and just go, or stop at the pub (that won best pub in the Best Pub Guide 2010? 2011? were unappealing for reasons which are at opposing ends of a spectrum. Either could have stopped me smiling for the rest of the event.

And smile I did. A lot. I felt like I was in my own zone - people - bless them one and all - encouraged me along but with no real need, I was as happy as ever, contented and needing of nothing other than someone to reflect my smile, have a bit of banter with now and again and carry on. 

I probably could have put more effort into each section and maybe I will next time but as it stands I am happily a Triathlete, and I feel being a homeopath, non competitive (still not discovered that streak in me....), barefoot runner and raw vegan foodie, proudly happy to say I'm a fairly Alternative Triathlete at that.

Til the next time


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