Wednesday 26 September 2012

WHY do we need to eat that?

So one book having led to another as they do (and as amazon helps kindle readers along with so well) I started Scott Jurek's Eat and Run. I would say it's the most influential book I've read this year (and, being me, I've read a few).  It's led me on a journey towards questioning why I eat certain foods, what the benefit to me is and set me off on another path of food based consciousness and awareness.

Scott follows a plant based (dairy free and wheat free) diet and has found that he recovers faster, races better and is in better overall health than when following his previous diet.  His book gives recipes at the end of each chapter which are easy to follow and tasty.

I feel like I've started to see clearer where food is concerned and that I'd gone along with things that I'd been told - some of them years ago, and many by large corporations that would have no concern for my individual benefit.  Sorry may be the hardest word but the most illuminating one I think must be 'WHY'.

Why do we, the only mammal out there that does, consume (and think we NEED) milk after weaning? Why do we need protein from other animals when the largest land mammals get their proteins from plant foods?  Why is osteoporosis on the increase when the very food we're being told will help prevent it is being consumed at an accelerated rate?

I don't have all the answers, but I'm definitely finding more questions and feeling the freedom from doing so.  My challenge for this month is having a solely veggie diet and having loved it will plan to stay this way, moving towards my November vegan based diet challenge, discovering more questions, foods and fun along the way.

Eat well, run with joy and ask 'why?'!

Em x

Tuesday 4 September 2012

Happy, happy, happy girl!

Juicing day 4 and the second day for ages (the first was yesterday and before that I seriously can't remember how long) I've woken up with no lower back pain :)

I've got by and carried on by using Homeopathy and Bowen Technique both of which have helped considerably to manage it but these two days I've woken totally pain free.

And all I've changed? I'm on day 4 of my juice detox (just to point out I've not been totally virtuous but mostly!) and am feeling good, bouncy, happy and back ache free!  I've been juicing fresh fruit and vegetables on and off for around 3 years now and would highly recommend it - indeed I know one Homeopath who calls the green juices 'the best life insurance'.  So many reasons why I think it's great but personally having been walking around like a 90 year old every morning for the past few months my absolute alleviation of pain will do for me today!

One happy, happy girl!

I usually follow Jason Vale's 7lb in 7 days which is a fabulous programme but this time opted for the Ibiza Detox Diet Plan for a change and am enjoying that too.  Once you've got the juicer the rest is easy and enjoyable (even cleaning it isn't so bad once you're used to it). Give it a go - what've you got to lose?

Just a little note to mention that in these times it's probably relevant to say that juicing with it's many wonders should not replace medical care.  However it may mean that you need less conventional medical attention should you eat a more plant based instead of processed diet and juicing is a great way to kick start this and give your system a rest from those difficult to digest foods that we weren't designed to eat.

Saturday 1 September 2012

One step at a time...

Earlier this year, a friend asked whether I'd like to swim the Great North Swim - a mile in Windermere - with her.  Having asked the previous year and recieved a wimpy 'no' she, being an optimist, asked again.  And this year, based around my saying yes to what comes along and seeing where it leads - it was a resolute YES!  (Although I do admit, somewhat wimpily followed by worrying about the amount of kit I'd need, costs etc for wetsuit, training and race entries.)

So very glad it was a yes now looking back on it.  Dutifully I trotted along and purchased the most expensive piece of clothing in my wardrobe, a full body suit made out of rubber (which coming to the end of the season I'm considering trading in for an upgrade - more rubber in the wardrobe!).  At the time I was convinced it would be a one hit wonder and would wear it, sell it on eBay then be onto the next challenge.  Little did I know!

As yet I haven't swum in Windermere as the swim was cancelled with extreme weather making it impossible for the safety crew to be, well safe in their cayaks (that challenge will be next year in June, followed by the Winderemere Olympic distance Triathlon in July), but have swum several other miles in Open Water settings and race environments.  I am absolutely in love with being outside in the water in a way that I never quite expected to experience.  I feel very fortunate and grateful to everyone who's been a part of my journey so far whether that been to have given tips and support, laid on the water in a star shape at the side of me, or the ones who recommended the sexy rubber swimming hats for the really good look out on the water.

Inspired by other members of Craven Energy our local Triathlon club (having joined to be able to get open water swimming experience before the big day - yes the one that never came due to bad stormy weather), I decided probably in mid June that I'd take part in a Triathlon or two.  Well that would be sensible, I think I actually decided that I'd like to take part in an Ironman competition...  Researching more, that goal has been put to one side for now whilst I work on shorter distance competitons (and once time for training allows - who knows!)

I've started to run and been building up distances running barefoot using Vibram Five Fingers which is a great experience.  To really feel the surface beneath you, feel your foot moving and without the restriction of conventional footwear has been brilliant.  I do spend most of my time barefoot when I can but these bridge the gap for me til I'm brave enough to go running entirely barefoot....  I would recommend reading around barefoot running before taking the plunge and have particularly enjoyed Chris McDougall's Born To Run as a goog place to start.

Cycling is the next big hurdle but... one step at a time!