Tuesday 7 May 2013

I like to move it, move it :-D

I am LOVING that my news feeds (both fb and actual real life) are full of people doing sporting things whether that be walking for half an hour every morning, cycling 100 miles, learning to swim and everywhere in between.

It stuck me (this morning on my 4k run around our local reservoir) that it doesn't matter what you can or can't do - the quote 'if you can't run, walk; if you can't walk; crawl.' came to me.  Even superman - Christopher Reeve - is reported to have exercised daily after his accident.  Not everyone wants to run a marathon, do an Ironman competition, or even swim 2 lengths, but there's usually something we're happy to do.

We've been gifted this phenomenal piece of equipment and it would be a shame to discover some of it's talents.  Yes it's not all just exercise, not all food but likelihood is everything else can be a lot more enjoyable if we do some good in each of those categories.

Here's to a happy, healthy summer and if you can - where you can - just move it! Dance around the kitchen, walk instead of drive, cycle instead of walk and most of all - enjoy it!

Or of course you can dance in the rain...