Sunday 17 February 2013

Dancing through life...

I think everyone gets it. I'm just LOVIN' the raw food. But that really is just part of the picture (of healing, fitness, life, health) and whilst it's great to feed your body (some would argue essential) the good stuff nutritionally, if that's all you're doing then it's still not really good enough.

We have been given these amazing bodies which have phenomenal healing ability and I believe it's our job to move them, enjoy them and be fully present in them.

My training has started - and the realisation I've got just 6 weeks left to train for my first triathlon has spurred me on a little.  I was inspired this week by a video my fab friend Debbie [from the always inspiring Makin' Tracks (have a peek at the link - I think I took the photo of the two of them on their home page... such beautiful people inside and out)] posted on facebook.

Have a peek here:

And then the dance walk guru was found - watch this for more:

Obviously I'm loving too the fact that Joe's in Vibram Five Fingers but aside from that what a fabulously happy way to move your body.  I love to skip down the street, I love to dance hula in my front garden under the stars and so jogging this Saturday at dawn I popped on the hula tracks on my iPod and jog-danced as the sky became lighter.  I ran twice as far as I thought I was going to, felt fabulous, creative, inspired, happy, light and so grateful to be able to move my body. 

Have a very very happy week and let's dance our way through the days.

With love,

Em x

PS If anyone fancies a dance jog in Embsay at dawn on a Saturday morning just give me a shout :)

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