Sunday 30 December 2012

My little heart is singing.... Launching my 'One Vegan Dish A Week' challenge...

It seems that my excitement about food is not just affecting me - recently I've had a couple of requests for recipes... and the latest one - to send a friend one vegan recipe a week to try. 

I'm so aware I'm merely at the very beginning of my journey into vegan eating so I could be barking up entirely the wrong tree. However, it makes my heart sing and so far all my best decisions in life have made me bubble with joy and excitement (including some of the harder, less popular ones).  I know the feeling by now (and I love it!).  I've lots to learn and am looking forward to learning it.

Since I've had a few requests I'll aim to pop a vegan recipe on here each week - feel free to leave feedback and thoughts... and happy, cruelty free, life enhancing cooking!

Looking forward to a brilliant future of tasty treats (I've just discovered raw kale chips. Oh my word. I intended taking them to a party last night and they didn't make it out of the door!), feeling great and knowing that no animals have been harmed in the making of my every meal.

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